Friday, October 12, 2012

Where I Am. Where I Am Going.

    This was my first night stepping into a new, tougher workout plan. Tonight, since the rains have finally come, I hit the treadmill. Since I am only 5 days past a 6 mile obstacle run I decided to only run 5K. I started slowly, warming up at an easy pace for the first half mile. Then I pushed up to near race pace for the next half mile. The middle mile I did Fartlek-style intervals on an incline for 60 paces, then slowed to an easier run with no incline for 100 paces, and kept this pace for the better part of a mile. The last half mile I ran at race pace, really thinking about the feel of the rhythm, my pace, my breathing. I slowed to a fast walk for a quarter mile to cool down.
    Next I did some strength training for legs and glutes: Wide squats; ass-to-grass jump squats; prison squats; lunges; split squats with rear foot on a chair; leg lifts. I ran through two sets., not wanting to push my legs to their limit this soon after a race.
    After legs, I moved on to abs/core. 30 minutes of various crunches, scissors, hip flexor leg raises. Finishing up with some stretching, a hot shower, and a dinner of chicken breast and yam.
    Tonight I ran 5K in about 30 minutes, which is kind of my regular time. Yes, I took it slow and easy the first half mile, and the resting intervals between Fartlek sprints were at a moderate pace. So this is not the best indication of race speed. My goal is to run my first 10K next season at 50 minutes or better, that would shave about 15 minutes off of my one and only 10K time. I plan on running either outdoors or on the treadmill a minimum of three nights a week from here on out. I have an 8K trail run in 4 weeks, and want to put in a good time. Then I have a 6 mile trail run a month after that. I know that with some solid, focused training I can increase my endurance, up my speed, and start finishing a bit higher up in the pack. True, I finished first in my age bracket at Race the Reaper, but I could have put in a better time. I need more speed, better endurance. The only way I can improve is to push myself, to workout smarter and harder. I want to make my workouts truly count. I am zeroing in on designing my perfect workouts, my perfect training regiment.
    I ran well tonight. I feel good about where I am and where I am going.

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