Friday, March 8, 2013


    I am amused to realize how much a training mentality is spilling out into other aspects of my life. Tomorrow are midterms at Firefighter Academy, both written and practicals. I am approaching it as if it were an event, an endurance race. I am trying to be well rested, and well nourished. Today I have been focused on having excellent nutrition including a nutrient dense dinner, and a bed time snack of a bowl of granola and a handful of raw walnuts to stoke my fires before bed. It really is almost no different than if I were doing a sprint Tri, or a 6 mile trail race. I know I perform better, mentally and physically, if I stay on track with my food. Seriously, I do not want any "issues" while I am in full gear and SCBA and shagging hose. Dinner was a nice spinach, avocado and black bean salad (easy on the beans) and a side of "wild grains blend." It was very satisfying. Now, in the spirit of competition, and after a little bit of carb loading, I know I need to hit the sack. Nothing messes with good test scores like a foggy brain. I am as excited for tomorrow as I would be for a race.

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