Thursday, February 7, 2013


    I am finding it difficult to build my Running Base. It is my main focus right now; adding strength, stamina, and speed. I am learning to enjoy running, but it seems as if turning myself into an endurance runner is very slow going at best. True, in less than a year I have gone from "I am not a runner," who couldn't run 1/4 mile without a struggle, to being able to run 4 miles at my penguin pace, and sprint at 7.5mph. I admit, I prefer to run fast, it feels like it is easier on my body, I just can't maintain a fast pace for very long. I don't even think that I am all that fast of a sprinter, but it feels so good to just let it go. It is possible that one aspect hindering my efforts is the crazy-busy schedule I have inflicted upon myself. I am getting 2 days off every 3 weeks, and those "days off" are filling with other things to do. I am lucky if I get one day a month to sleep in, truly rest, and recover. Next month sleep may become an even rarer commodity as I get released to go on fire calls, and my nights may be interrupted without warning. That will definitely add another dimension to the insanity. But I am squeezing in workouts as often as possible, running 3 to 4 days a week, swimming twice a week, adding strength training at least 3 days a week. Yeah, crazy-busy.
    As it stands, I am running 3 or 4 times a week, focusing on interval training and hill repeats. I do not yet have the "legs" for seriously long runs. At this point I am focusing on running mechanics, form, and slowly building my stamina. I am continuing with strength training, especially core, because I know the importance of a strong body in all the aspects of racing. As I venture further into trail racing, I know my strength will play a good part in my stamina, and then naturally my stamina will increase. It is a a self-fulfilling conclusion. I am having to force myself to "make haste slowly." I am inclined to overdo it too often, especially where running is concerned. This last weekend was a prime example. I had 2 great runs over the weekend, but my calves paid the price. There is a huge difference between treadmill running and road running. Treadmill running tends to be more quad heavy, road running requires more calf, glute, and hamstring. They are very different beasts. Now that we are likely past he worst of the winter cold weather I need to make it a point to get out and run whenever possible. I have decided that lunch breaks during Academy days are perfect for short, intense, interval training runs. The area around the station has a lot of quiet streets, and more hills than you can shake a stick at, as well as several great staircases to add a bit of a twist (I do have to prep for the Stairclimb in September). So I will get in as many runs as possible, bearing in mind the fragility of my knees and ankles, and build my base slow and steady. They do say, "Slow and steady wins the race," which is patently not true. But Slow and Steady will build the base for Speed and Stamina.

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