Monday, November 12, 2012


   On an interesting, and nearly forgotten note: Pickles. Baby Kosher Dills, to be precise. Enigmatic reference? Not really. My last few events I had some muscle cramping issues. After the Portland Tri it seemed like it took forever for me to change shoes, since every leg position other than standing straight up triggered a cramp in one major muscle or another. And let me tell you, It Sucked. Big time. I have been conscientious about proper nutrition and hydration before an event, and am always trying to fine tune all my prep. The cramps have made me think that it is beyond hydration and on to the fact that since I do not eat prepackaged foods, I do not get so much sodium in my diet. And many high sodium foods also have potassium and trace minerals which help maintain homeostasis (water balance) in the body. Too much water can lower electrolyte levels, and actually prevent muscles from retaining water. I am not inclined to pour the high sugar, unnatural sport drinks into my body except under dire need. So, what to do? This time around, I chose Pickles. Chock full of salt, vinegar, spices, and garlic they are a great source of sodium and potassium. So into my lunch box the day before the race, went half a dozen Baby Kosher Dills. Not only did I eat them during the day, I topped off my pre-race dinner with 2 more. And you know what? No cramps. Not a one. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. It does make solid, nutritional, deliciously natural sense. So, adding to my pre-race rituals: Pickles. Next time I may throw in some sweet pickle chips.

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