Thursday, July 26, 2012


    I just stumbled upon a chat thread online, "Calling All Penguins." It is a board for slow runners. Suddenly I do not feel so alone in the world. I am not a fast runner, although getting faster. I am clocking about a 10:30 minute mile, which is not fast, but apparently as fast or faster than most Penguins. I tell myself that it is a decent pace for being 12 weeks out of knee surgery, and only permitted to start fast walking 5 weeks ago. So, nearly eight weeks of none of my standard cardio (ie power walk and/or running), and only four weeks of being able to run. Of course my physical therapist had made me promise to start slow and easy, and only push myself "to the pain." Having such restrictions is not easy for me, especially since I am far more used to pushing past the pain, ignoring pain, pretending it does not exist. So I must tell my inner competitor that it is not a cardinal sin to let faster runners pass me, it is not shameful, not a blight on my spirit. But, I know that I will still push myself, do my best to be my best. I may be a Penguin, but for a Penguin, I am decently fast.

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