Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hi-Ho, Joshua

    As I sit here, mechanically eating a bowl of organic granola and a banana, knowing today is a long ride day, I am almost wishing I could just lounge on the couch all day watching Netflix instead. But I know I won't. That is not who I am or what I need to do. Lounging can happen  after  the long ride. Friday I spent some goodly time washing and lubing Joshua, inflating his tires to road worthy pressure, and tweaking the aerobars a bit. He is ready to go. I wish I had the money to get him in for a professional tuneup, and I definitely will before the end of the month, but I can't use that as an excuse to not get in some serious miles today. My plan for the day was to start at Champoeg Park and take the bike route south to Willamette Mission State Park. It is a 62 mile out and back. I think instead of wasting drive time I will find an alternate route to leave from my front door, and head west to some local destination. Not that either Champoeg or Willamette Mission are not local, but I don't feel like wasting drive time today. So, now to motivate enough to pry myself from the computer and get my ass in the saddle! Hi-ho, Joshua.

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