Saturday, May 25, 2013

On The Right Track

    Finished off two "big" swim weeks with a two mile swim this morning. Now I need to get some open water swimming in to be mentally prepped. Happily, Clackamas Cove, once a quarry, now a large, deep lake along the Clackamas River, is practically on my way home now that I am in a new job. The plan is to take my wetsuit to work once a week and hit the Cove for a swim on my way home. My first triathlon of the year is being held in Oregon City, and the swim leg is in the Cove, so I will have the opportunity to feel at ease in the water (I hope).
    Along with a lot of swimming, I have ramped up my cycling considerable. Last night and tonight I put in a solid 60 minutes on the bike. True, indoor cycling is not nearly as interesting as hitting the roads, but it forces me to spin constantly, and keep my revolutions high. They say that 40 minutes of indoor cycling is equal to 60 minutes outdoors because there is no coasting, no stopping. I dunno if that is true, but it sounds good.
    I am also taking more time to stretch in the evenings. I want to keep as loose as my training will allow. And the lowly tennis ball has become my regular evening companion as I lay on the floor, watching Netflix, and rolling out the tender spots in my legs, hips and glutes. And trust me, there are plenty of tender spots.
    I have my June race schedule nearly complete. I am registered for two 10Ks and a six mile trail run so far. I haven't registered for the Clackamas Cove Tri yet, but will be doing so soon. It is also in June, which gives me four races in five weekends. It really is the best way for me to get my running miles in, and gives me more racing experience so my nerves will be less inclined to sabotage me.
    All is progressing well, I feel good about where I am, and where I am heading. Now, with my weekends suddenly free from social gaiety I can buckle down and train. Might as well use my alone time productively instead of moping about. By the end of summer I will be a lean wolf of an athlete, okay, that is a tad dramatic, but it has the tint of truth. Alone, loping through the woods, pursuing a vapor, a zephyr, a dream, hungry, lean, slavering, drooling, panting.... uh, wait a sec, getting dramatic again, or maybe a bit crazy. By the end of summer I will be ready to chase my dream, reach the goal, prove to myself what I am made of. I am on the right track.

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