Saturday, October 15, 2016

Food. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

   A major downside of healthy eating habits is the healthier you eat, the healthier you have to eat. I am currently suffering the consequences of a week of injudicious choices. Okay, actually more than a week. I have been over-doing the carbs the last few weeks, and feeling the effects. This last week I have been in work and social situations with bad choices available, and me availing myself of them. I am really feeling it this evening. The general intestinal disquiet, bloating, heartburn brought on by consuming wheat hither and yon over a period of several days. I can get away with a bit of wheat now and then, but not in any quantity, and not several days in a row.  Adding insult to injury, my body is trying to come down with a cold, so I have added doses of decongestant and ibuprofin to the chaos.  Tonight I dosed myself with digestive enzymes and probiotics, and am now sipping herbal tea. Now is time to get back to stoking my system with the jet fuel it has become accustomed to, not kerosene that burns too cool and leaves a black smokey mess behind.
    I was talking with a friend this evening, a friend who has been on as arduous a personal physical journey as I have. He pointed out that when he backslid there would seem to be a delay between the transgression and the noticeable results. I have to agree here. I've been under some weird stress, starting about 6 weeks ago. Stress is the gateway drug to poor eating, disruptive workout plans, which leads to sleep troubles which lead to poor eating. It is a vicious cycle. Now, 6 weeks later, I am really noticing a few weeks of falling off the wagon.
    As of today the work and social events are now things of the past, as is the cause of the weird stress that bushwhacked me. No time like the present to get everything back online. Time to purge. Cleanse. Detox. I will get back to gluten free, cut back on the cheese (though I do so love cheese), lower my carb intake, avoid simple carbs. And cardio. Don't forget the cardio.

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