Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Did It

    I did it. I actually did it. I have officially entered the Epic 250K. The countdown is on, 9 weeks. NINE WEEKS!! Holymotherofallthegods. Just thinking about it makes me just a little queasy. I admit, when I hit the "submit" button for my registration and payment my hand was trembling just a little bit. Okay, more than a little. This is a huge step. Yes, I could still walk away from it all and be out my $321 entry fee. Or I could bail partway through and get a DNF (did not finish). But in all honesty, I don't plan on either of those as being options, especially the idea of not even starting. True, there are a lot of things that can go wrong between now and then, and between the start of the event and the finish line. More than a few athletes have been stopped in their tracks by injury or illness, or equipment malfunction, or crashing on the course, or.. or.. or... The list is actually quite endless. The same could be said for life in general, you really never know when the gig is up, when fate may throw you a whammy. So I will continue to train just as I have been, no more or less committed than before. Now the only difference is that there is money on the line. And after all it's only money. Time to train.

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