Saturday, March 14, 2015

Single Anvil?

    In an apparent attempt to throw yet another rock in my cogs, another monkey in the wrench, it turns out that there is now an Iron distance triathlon at Hagg Lake in mid July. It is at the Double Anvil event (a double Iron distance race). Last year they only offered the Double and Triple Anvils. Yes, there are people crazy enough to do a 421.8 mile triathlon, as if 140.6 isn't crazy enough. So, I tracked down the even website, thinking of using the Double Anvil as a training goal for next year, since my hoped for A race this year was cancelled. Lo and behold, this year they are offering the Single Anvil. I am sorely tempted, and still wrestling with the idea. But I honestly don't think I can be ready for an Iron distance race in 4 months. I was expecting a late September race with a shorter run, knowing I could be ready for that with no worries. But to bump the timeline by 2 months and add 10 miles to the run, that puts me on the edge of difficulty. Could I do it? Yes. I know I could. Would I suffer? Yes. Granted, there is a level of suffering to all ultra endurance, but why add to what is already there.
    The one huge downside to doing either the single or double (or gods forbid, the triple) Anvils is that they are run on a fairly short course with multiple laps. The single consists of the 2 mile swim, then 11 laps around the lake for the bike, and 12 laps around a 2 mile course for the run. This would let you become well acquainted with the course, optimizing your efficiency. But it would also be boring as fuck. Both the 70.3 and the 250K that I have done were on a grand scale through beautiful, though steep country. One benefit of the Anvil races is that they are held at a Lake about an hour from me, and I could train on the course with regularity. But would I be ready to run a marathon in July? That is the kicker. Half marathon? No problem. Marathon? Not so easy-peasy.
    I am torn. Do I push myself and do 140.6 miles in July, eliminating most other fun races I want to run? Or keep to the plan of aiming for the 70.3 in September, beating my previous time by a solid hour, not having to beat the hell out of my body quite as badly, running some fun races with friends, all the while training myself to do the Double Anvil next year? Damn it. Decisions, decisions.
    I am leaning towards the Best in The West 70.3, and kicking my old finishing time to the curb. I have already found some fun races to run to get my body ready for some half marathons through the season. Trail runs, adventure races, and road runs. This will be a fun season, maybe not quite as obsessively focused as last season, but with a very tough end game in mind: Double Anvil 2016.

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