Thursday, January 23, 2014

Training Log 22012014

Training Log Stardate 22012014.20:55

Falling behind again. Let's face it, I'm not so very good at keeping a daily journal of my... well, of anything, actually.

Sunday: 45 minutes cycling at moderate intensity as a warm up for leg work. Legs, 3 sets each: 18" step ups, hip dips, single leg calf raises, single leg deadlift, single leg half-squat, ass to grass squats, split squat, deadlift, mule kick. 20 minutes stretching.

Monday: 75 minutes cycling, alternating moderate resistance/high cadence, and heavy resistance/low cadence.
Upper body workout, 3 sets each:: With resistance bands: Single arm press with torso twist, french curl, fly, tricep press, press, upright row, cross body pull with torso twist, swim stroke. With hand weights: bent over rows, bent over reverse fly, upright row, side arm raise. Medicine ball: hand to hand toss with torso twist, hay toss. Pushups, 1 minute plank, dips.

Tuesday: Morning workout 70 minute cycling alternating resistance and cadence, 10 minutes stretching.
Evening: 70 minute swim, crawl, without pull buoy, so I am having to learn what to do with my feet.

Wednesday: took the day off. Yes, I know, hard to believe. But it is drill night, and I decided my body needed rest.

Thursday: Morning workout; 15 minute warm up on bike, 2.75 mile run (very slow and easy, I am babying my knees, but they hurt like hell anyway), 15 minute cool down on bike, 10 minutes stretching.
Evening: 70 minute swim, crawl, without pull buoy, focusing intently on technique.

It has been a rough few weeks for me, my winter depression is taking its toll, and I am having a rough time staying on track with my eating, and morning workouts. I'm not sleeping well and so I am opting for an extra hour of sleep some mornings instead of an extra workout. I do not get enough rest, and it starts to beat me down mentally, physically and emotionally. I have increased my carb intake a bit to offset some of the winter depression, yes, carbs do actually help.
My workouts this week have felt great. Taking it easy last week seems to have regenerated my legs a bit, they feel fantastic on the bike. My swimming is changing up this week. Instead of relying on the pull buoy to keep my legs afloat (it is no secret that I do not float, and as my body fat percentage has dropped, I sink even faster), I am using the bottom half of my shorty wetsuit. Yes, I am a g'damned genius. I decided to take the $25 shorty wetsuit that has been lurking in my closet for a year and a half, and cut the lower portion off, so now I have flotation swim trunks. They give me just enough buoyancy that I can maintain good body position in the water with just a light flutter kick. I am trying to learn the perfect little flick kick, timed just right, to add power to my body rotation. It will take practice, but I was better today than I was on Tuesday. Maybe someday I will be able to swim without some type of flotation device, although how I can stop from sinking like a stone, I don't know.  

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