Thursday, January 9, 2014


    I have decided to start an actual training log so I can keep decent records of my progress (or lack thereof). Since a "blog" is actually a "web log" I figure this is as good a place as any to keep myself on track and accountable. I don't do this to boast, or elevate myself in the eyes of others, I actually do write these postings as a way of documenting my own trials and travails. I enjoy going back and reading posts from a year ago. I think my favorite is my blog about my first swim. 18 months ago, and I barely managed to swim 20 laps, with frequent rests, and left the water trembling with exhaustion. Now I can swim over 100 laps without stopping and leave the water mildly tired across the shoulders, but otherwise feeling great. I only wish I could make such great strides with my running.
    As usual, I digress. I am going to start logging my daily workouts, how I felt, how they made me feel, what I am eating, how well I am recovering, and even how I am sleeping. Yes, I know I write about this stuff all the time, but between the anecdotal narratives and inner musings of a latecomer to the endurance world, I am going to actually Log my training. So, here goes (and I am not sure just how well I will be able to stay away from anecdotal narratives even while trying to just get in the facts):

Training Log Stardate 01082014.21:50

Fell asleep last night after 11:00pm, woke at 1:00pm for about 30 minutes, remainder of sleep was broken up by night sweats.
Woke at 5:15, drank 1 pint of water while getting into workout gear.
Cycled 15 minutes to warm up.
Treadmill: Ran 3 miles at a slow 5.2 mph, with 3 short walking breaks during mile 3 as my asthma was starting to flare up. (*note to self* start taking asthma medication again). My legs felt good, but I am having a few issues with asthma when I run, but I am hopeful it will settle down as I get more proficient with my running. I need to increase my speed, but at this point my asthma won't allow it. I am intentionally starting slow and easy this season, since I am all to capable of crippling myself with zeal. I know I can run further and faster, but my knees are tender, and my asthma lurks just over my shoulder.
Cycled 15 minutes to cool down.
Stretched 5 minutes.
Breakfast: Black coffee with 1/4 tsp evaporated cane juice, 2 egg breakfast burrito
Supplements: 1000mg Vitamin C (Ester-C with bioflavinoids), 2000mg MSM, 500mg Niacin
Drank 1 liter of water on drive to work
Food "Bucket" (the mass amount of food I take to work and divide into several meals, starting with 2nd breakfast at 9:30): 1 pint roasted autumn vegetables, 2 hardboiled eggs, 3 bananas, 1 orange, 1 Clif Bar, 1 black bean brownie, 1/2 cup raw almonds, almond crackers, 1 slice pumpkin bread.
5:45  Swim. I did not count laps tonight, I got distracted by leaky goggles and lost count, instead I just swam steady, no breaks for 70 minutes. Tonight I swam predominantly Crawl, alternating hand paddles or not, doing a length of backstroke about every 5 to 10 laps. My strokes felt long and strong, my endurance felt excellent. I am hoping to add a 2 to 3 hour swim once a week to the regimen to really boost my endurance. Ate my last banana immediately after leaving the swim center.
Dinner: Smoothie made with black cherry and cranberry juices, spinach, banana, and brown rice protein powder. 2 vegan tacos with spinach, guacamole, sunflower seeds.
Supplements: 1000mg Ester-C, 2000mg MSM
Bedtime snack: Herbal tea with honey, and a black bean brownie.

The first of many entries.

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