Sunday, January 12, 2014

Training Log 12012014.22:22

Training Log Stardate 12012014.22:22

I'm going to keep it short tonight, since it is Sunday.
Up at 7:00am to assist with the new class of recruits at Fire Academy. Drank 1 pint of water upon rising. Breakfast 2 egg breakfast burrito and black coffee. Mid-morning snack 1 Clif Bar. Lunch: 2 gluten free, whole grain pancakes with peanut butter, banana, and agave. Decided a nap was needed, slept nearly 2 hours.

Pre-workout snack: 1 leftover pancake with peanut butter and agave nectar, and an orange.

Workout: 90 minutes cycling. 50% at medium resistance, high cadence. 50% heavy resistance, lower cadence. 15 minutes stretching, 15 minutes with massage ball and massage stick. Recovery fuel: my regular smoothie, and a handful of raw almonds.

Dinner 2 cups roasted winter vegetables and 2 eggs over easy, large handful of organic dark chocolate chips, and a large cup of herbal tea. Supplements: 1000mg Ester-C, 2000mg MSM, 500mg Niacin.

My cycling is feeling good, but I am getting antsy to actually get out on the road. I am hoping for some milder weather before too much longer. Even if it is just one day. Must get gloves.

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