Tuesday, June 4, 2013

This Endeth The Lesson

    Sunday I ran a 10K. In my mind I had been thinking, "It is just a 10K," knowing the distance would not be problematic. I ate properly beforehand, but then, I always eat properly. But I know I was under hydrated. And, this is a big and, And I did not get enough sleep in the nights leading up to the race. Yes, I am chronically sleep deprived, even the meds don't help all that much. But friday, the night I should have aimed for a solid eight hours, at the very least, I was up past midnight doing homework, then up early saturday morning for class. If I had come home, maybe napped, had a super healthy dinner, and a quiet evening at home, this might not have been such a bad thing. But I did not. Definitely did not. Went straight from class to a barbecue/gathering for a friend on leave from the Air Force. No, I didn't consume alcohol, I rarely ever do.   I didn't even eat that poorly, but I didn't eat that great either. Then straight from the barbecue (which was fun, and well worth it), to a huge party at the neighbors, replete with live music and a full bar. Though again, I didn't consume alcohol. But what I wasn't drinking was water. And I was on my feet, socializing, yucking it up, people watching. Oh sure, I was home by 11:00, but I wasn't in bed til nearly midnight, again. I did get eight hours sleep, barely. I even woke before my alarm went off, and felt pretty good.
    I felt great for the first 5K of the race. But when the aid stations had no water, just Gatorade, I started feeling my lack of hydration. At the halfway point I drank some Gatorade just to clear the phlegm, and my stomach made me regret it for the next 5K. And I felt tired. Not tired like after a good run. But tired like just plain tired. I kept my running form, concentrating on keeping my tread light, and my cadence quick. I ran it out, crossed the finish line just 43 seconds slower than my goal time, so it wasn't too bad. But it was not an energetic run. I felt better during the whole 10.5 miles of my Hagg Lake run last month.
    So, what lesson have we learned here? No race, of any duration, is "just a" race. 5K, 10K, marathon, triathlon. Rest, fuel, and hydration are essential to a good race day. Yes, I have heard plenty of tales of people running after a long night of carousing, and feeling great. I am not a carouser, so I have zero practice with such things. From here on out, if I have a race, I am sticking with my plans. This does not mean I will go into seclusion in the days leading up to any race. Hell, if I did that, with my race schedule, I would be in seclusion a good 50% of the time. But I need to make sure I stick with my game plan, get plenty of rest, drink the proper fluids, and eat the good foods that fuel my body. Next race, I will be rested, at the very least. Lesson learned. This endeth the lesson.

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