Sunday, June 30, 2013

Let The Adventures Continue

    I know that lately my writing has been sporadic at best. Not because there is nothing to write about, but because there is so much that I barely have time to breathe it seems. I just finished the class that was taking up a goodly chunk of my free time, finished in the top of my class, and am quite proud of myself, if I do say so. But crammed in between classes, homework, and work, have been some decent workouts and rather stellar races. Two weeks ago was the Mount Hood Scramble, last weekend was The Summer Solstice 10K, and today was the Race For The Animals 10K. Today's event was held on Mount Tabor, the only volcano inside city limits in the U.S. It is a small, extinct volcano.But, when running in any area named "Mount" something, there will be hill climbs. It was 10 kilometers of up hill, down hill, up hill, down hill. I surely got in my hill workout for the week. But I ran well, my legs felt great. The last mile was a steady uphill grade, and I kept running, catching and passing runners who were gassed by the hills, heat, and humidity. Not to mention the stair climbs! I totally rocked the various stairs that were on the route, feeling pleasantly smug as I powered up,and overheard the complaints from the other runners. Mostly dirt and gravel paths, winding through thte forest, I was in my element, happy, loping along like a wolf. It was a sweet run, and I was happy to reach the end feeling like I could have just kept running.
    I know that most runners have different paces for different distances. The quicker 5k and 10k pace, versus the middlin half-marathon, and slow and steady of a full marathon. Not me. I am not that cerebral about my running. Or maybe I am. I am working on what will be my pace for the final leg of my triathlons, especially the long course tri. And now I have the farsighted vision of a 50K trail run next summer, and maybe even, dare I breathe it, a 50 mile endurance trail run. I know, I am insane. A lunatic. Deranged to even be considering it. But damnit, I love trail runs. And I love having a goal that will make me push myself outside of my scope of existence. Push myself out of my comfort zone. See just what I can do with this amazing body of mine. I do not have aspirations of being an awesome marathon runner, road running does not float my boat. Oh, but trail runs, glorious trail runs, with the technical footing, Nature's obstacles, the scenery, the greenery. It sings to me in a way that in inexplicable, indescribable. The Mount Hood Scramble was a deliriously joyful adventure that I wish I could have run a second time. Now, I have connected with several local trail running groups, so I can feel that slight edge of competition, camaraderie, that will encourage me to up my miles, continue to build my base. I am excited for this season. Let the adventures continue!

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