Friday, June 21, 2013


    As much as I feel that I should be entering as many triathlons as I can between now and The Big Day, I know at this point I need to focus on my running. I am switching my strategy a bit. Instead of hitting the Tris that are coming up, I will be running road and trail races instead. There are a number of great races coming up, both on and off road. I make no secret that I prefer off-roading it whenever possible. It is so much easier on my knees, and far more stimulating for my brain. I will do the Mid-Summer Tri at Blue Lake, Olympic distance, as my final "tune-up race." Oddly, that is my anniversary Tri, that is the event that initiated me into the weirdness that is triathlon, and introduced me to the odd, quirky, and potentially snobbish group that are triathletes. I am feeling comfortable with my current levels of swimming and cycling, so entering a Tri would be more to test my legs in the run, and practice transitions. But still, at this point, getting my running legs up to par is far more important in the overall scheme of completing my big race. I do regret not being able to hit every Tri that comes along, but they are expensive, and I don't want to lose training time in tapers and recovery periods. At this point, I can run a road or trail race without it causing so much as a hiccup in my training schedule. As a matter of fact, I look at them as training runs. I am not so competitive that I am going to go out there and kill myself trying to place, or set PRs. But, I am competitive enough that I will push myself harder in a race than I will when out running on my own. It is amazing how much better I run, how much more stamina I seem to have, when there are other runners around me. I do wish I could run with a club, but my schedule is just too damned tight. Besides, I want trail runs. Lots and lots of trail runs. That is what lights the fire in my belly, more than any other single endeavor. I will be doing a 10.5 trail run in Forest Park on July 6th, and the Wildwood Trail Half Marathon at the end of July. And I tell you, I am excited! Much more fun than pounding the pavement.

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