I know I am still 6 months out from my A Race, but panic is already rearing its ugly, little noggin. I know I should be hard at work building my base conditioning in all three disciplines, but have only managed to be truly diligent with swimming. The last few weeks even my swimming has slacked some, as I am feeling time crunched from every side right now. It does not help that I am also suffering from a few minor muscle strains that forced me to take it easy for a bit. The pec strain and calf/Achilles strains both seem to have rectified themselves with little more than a week or two of reduced intensity in the pool and running. The piriformis strain, however, is continuing to cause me grief. The pain is negligible, but I do have a pretty high pain tolerance. It is the tingling that now runs from my lower back down my left leg to my heel that I find disconcerting. I know there is a muscle strain and pinched nerve, and I am doing what I can to stretch and strengthen. Hopefully it will resolve over time. The more I plan out my training schedule, the more I question my sanity. I need to be working out at least 2 hours a day, every day. At Least 2 hours...! Once summer kicks in, I am hoping that the longer days will make me feel like I have more available time. I do fantasize about finding a part time job that would pay me enough to live on, giving me extra time for training and firefighting. But it is a fantasy, and not likely to materialize *sigh*.
To squelch the panic, Brain finds it soothing to read as much as possible on training in each of the three disciplines. There is now so much information sloshing around in my skull that I feel like a Nutrition and Fitness App... There's an App for that: type in search word and an assortment of pertinent (or impertinent) information comes bubbling out. I read during the day. I read for a few minutes before sleep. I search and research. Yes, too much knowledge can be overwhelming and detrimental, but if it soothes Brain, even a little, if it stems the rising panic, even a bit, then I am all for it. It is just a touch of panic. It will pass. Eventually.
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