Thursday, March 7, 2013

Be A Student Of Your Passion

                                                "Be a Student of your Passion."
    I have become a student of my Passions. I use the plural because my passions are numerous. Where this blog is concerned my main passions are races, competitions, tests of fitness and endurance. Triathlons are my main focus for training because they are multifaceted. To be a strong triathlete I must be a well rounded athlete. Swim/Bike/Run only covers part of the regimen which also includes strength training, core work, nutrition, flexibility, and learning the mental game of endurance racing. Triathlon and road running led me into trail running, which I love, and may very well be where I focus more time and energies next year. The glitch to this, of course, is just how much my knees are willing to withstand. That is why the multiple discipline triathlon works so much better where my training is concerned. So I study. I read, research, pursue all the information I can get my hands on. I am a student of my body, my fitness, my nutrition. I am a student of my passion, and my passion is my body, and the amazing vehicle that it has become, and always has been. Sometimes I think it would be great to have a coach to tell me what to do, and truly this would likely benefit me, but I like discovering things on my own. I like learning and implementing, fine tuning my workouts. It is a mental game as well as physical. By being a student of my passions I learn the information deep into my soul, not in the topical way one does when being told what do do, leaving the thinking to another. Yes, there is so much information out there it could make my skull explode. Yes, it is often conflicting, and sometimes ridiculous. But I am good at taking in mass quantities of information and gleaning out what I need for my own. I know my body, and understand what kind of training it can withstand. I am not one who can pound the pavement for hours and hours, miles and miles. My knees will not allow it. Okay, I should say that I will not allow it, knowing that it would likely cripple me in a matter of very few years. I am not risking my future physicality on what others say should be my weekly running schedule, or what I need to do to keep up with the Joneses. I have become a student of my passions, because they are well worth the effort.

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