Monday, December 17, 2012

Body Is The Fortress

    This last week has held tragedy on both national and local levels, as well as some that hit very close to home. I am thankful that all my loved ones are safe, healthy and in good places in their lives. I count myself lucky that I am also in a great place in my life and enjoying my mental, physical and emotional health. I feel healthier and stronger than at any other time in my life. Yes, I whine about my weird gastrointestinal issues, and the ravages of the hormonal shitstorm that strikes "women of a certain age." But the reality is that I am in amazing space mentally and physically.
    Because of the tragic happenings of a few days ago, it seemed as if blogging about my health was suddenly unimportant, self-centered, and narcissistic. But during times of stress, sadness, anxiety, and emotional duress it becomes even more important to take care of our bodies. My body is the fortress that protects and shelters my sometimes fragile heart and mind. Keeping Body strong and healthy becomes even more necessary when surrounded by dark forces that are totally beyond my control.
    Friday was a rest day for me because I knew saturday was going to be a long, arduous day. And I wasn't wrong. No, it was not a race day, but it might just as well have been. Saturday was the annual Food and Toy drive for the Fire District. This is my first year to have the opportunity to join in the fun. I decided before the day began that I would wear my lightweight Nike tactical boots, they are comfy and have a very minimal drop from heel to forefoot, so I knew they would do me and my knees right. We walked door to door, picking up donations, starting at 8am and going til 4pm. Yes we took a few breaks to sort and schlep boxes of canned goods. While we were out gathering I decided that I would not walk house to house, but rather I would run. And I did. I ran at a good clip, faster than race pace, but not quite at sprint pace. I ran the hills in the same manner I would doing Hill Repeats. It was great legwork spread over half the day. And hefting and carrying boxes of canned goods up a ramp and stacking them in a trailer added some nice upper body and core work. The biggest upside of the day was the feeling of accomplishment that had nothing to do with the physical workout. It was a chance to be surrounded by people lending a hand to the community, to be part of something that will bring some comfort and joy to others. It was a balm to my heart and soul, and helped bring me back to center after a week that threatened to knock me out of balance.
    Sunday, being still a bit tired from my exertions on saturday, I spent the bulk of the day on domestic past times, i.e. baking Christmas cookies with my 7 year old neighbor, who I list high in my rankings of good friends. But this, and the slice of pizza at the Fire Station, lent itself to some less than optimal food choices. So despite my lack of energy and motivation, I strapped on my Merrell Pace Glove running shoes and hit the treadmill for an easy 1 mile run to warm muscles and get my blood flowing. My knees and feet were a bit sore from running in boots, so I opted for a core and ab workout. I spent an hour with my Slosh Tubes for some serious core work that left me aching and a little quivery. I followed this with roasted yams and beets, an all fruit-no-sugar-added smoothie, and a poached chicken breast. I ate too many veggies, but they were delicious.
    Tragedy rears its ugly head, blind-siding us, making us want to curl into the fetal position under a down comforter, beating us down with events beyond our control, and it is hard to find the energy to withstand the assault. This is when it can be all the more vital to take a bit of time to take care of our physical needs, so that we can better protect our mental and emotional health. Exercise and good nutrition are essential in the fight against depression, despondency, sorrow, hopelessness, and a heavy heart. So when I think that my blogging of my endeavors is self-centered, well, maybe it is. But it is Self-Care to remain Centered, to avoid slipping over the edge, succumbing to the sadness, falling into the abyss again. When the world is chaotic and beyond my control, at least I can maintain the control over my own body, my self. It actually becomes all the more vital to keep my focus so that I can remain strong and healthy to fight the good fight.
    If you are going through hell, keep going.

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