Once again, obsessing over The Swim. Once again, or still, call it what you will. I had another swim lesson with Attila The Yoda, my slightly sadistic, yet sage young instructor. It went decently well, I only thought I was going to drown a few times, and I did not end up in tears afterwards, so that is a definite improvement. Once again, working on the hated flutter kick. Swear to god, it is easier for me to move backwards than forwards with a flutter kick. I kid you not. My instructor did not believe me. I proved her wrong. At one point she even commented, "I do not know why you are not moving forward." I told her. She did not believe me. And seriously, I have been practicing. I am trying. I am not an idiot. Or slacker. Or mutant. Okay, maybe I'm a mutant, but that should not prevent me from being able to propel myself through the water with a g'damned flutter kick. Doing laps, freestyle with a flutter kick, gasses me like nobody's business. It wears me thin. I tell myself, "at least it is a good cardio workout." I am pretty sure I will NOT be using a flutter kick in my next Tri swim. No, not just pretty sure, damned sure.
All that being ranted, vented, flushed from my spleen, on the upside, I felt pretty good all around with my swimming last night. My stroke is improving, my wind is get less laborious. And best of all, I finally swam faster than the 60 year old woman who has been damn near lapping me at the pool. Oh sure, she is a very nice lady, and has been swimming competitively since she was very young, but to have her sleekly passing me with what seems to be very little effort has been galling, to say the least. I am an athlete! I am strong. I have the broad shouldered build of a swimmer, fer chrissake. But last night, I was faster. Of course she did not know I was racing her, that is beside the point. I still beat her. Several times. Oh Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay! It really is the little victories. Those tiny tidbits of triumph. Secret. Private. Minuscule. But Wins none the less. Last night was a good swim.
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