Monday, August 13, 2012

Build the Machine.

    How wrong is it that I am delighted to be back at my normal, vigorous strength training regiment? I do love strength training, above and beyond anything else. Always have. Always will. Even in the darkest depths of winter melancholy I can always muster the energy to lift weights and push my muscles to trembling fatigue. I know some may see this as an enamored obsession, or even an aberrant behavior, but I cannot help myself. Back in late Spring I tweaked my lower back and so forced myself to restrict my strength training, and I missed it horribly. I am even thinking that lack of strength training may have led, in some small part, to my swim bonk. I like to know that my body is as strong as I can make it, and strength training does this for me. I acknowledge that I will never be the fastest participant in any given race, but I damned well can be the strongest. Strength and stamina will be my trump card.
    To this end, I have gotten back into building my power with a fanatical glee. I am adding some lower body/ leg exercises for explosive strength, especially Jump Squats. Six months ago, I could not perform this particular task, but losing 60 pounds does make a bit of a difference when propelling body mass upwards from a deep squat, into the air, and landing lightly. I can do them now, and am totally digging the experience. I love finding new ways to playfully torture my body. I am always on the lookout for challenges that won't overtax my knees, but will add strength and power.
    Today, I am pleasantly sore from head to toe. Last night was upper body and core, with some good shoulder work and punishing ab work. I feel glorious. Tonight I will run, and then add in an hour of legs and glutes. I want my body to perform at its peak, to be the best that I can make of it, to take every advantage of enjoying the marvelous machine that Brain rides around in. I will build the machine, tweak the engine, fuel the fire. I am strong. I am powerful. I am an athlete. I love being me.

Typical Leg/Glute W.O: 3 to 5 sets each (several sets to failure)
Wide Squat  (Horse Stance)
Prisoner Squats
Stationary Lunge
Jump Squats
Jump Lunge
Single Legged Squat (shallow to protect knees)
Calf Raise
Standing Leg Raise
Dead Lift
Step Ups
Hamstring Curl w/ Stability Ball
Wall Sit

Typical Upper Body/Core W.O.: 3 to 5 sets each (several sets to failure)
Rotating Press
French Curl
Single Arm Side Row
Standing Row
Standing Fly
Bentover Fly
Tri Dips
Torso Rotation w/ Medicine Ball
Upright Row
Bentover Row
Abs: 5 to 8 varieties of Crunch/Leg Lift

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