Saturday was my first ever 10K race. Actually, it was my first ever 10K run. I initially registered for the race as a way to help me decide if I was ready to start entering Olympic distance Triathlons. I admit, my thoughts were "oh hell, I'm not in it to win, just to finish. I will walk when I need to." Funny thing about my nature, I could not bring myself to walk. Yes, I ran the entire distance. Not super fast, but I did manage to place fourth in my age group. And I had energy left at the end of the race. Energy to sprint the last 100 yards. Energy to go do an hour of hard lap swimming afterwards. Energy that I now know can be better spent quickening my step, increasing my speed, and coming in faster the next time. I have become a runner. Weirdly enough, a runner.
I am adding to my skill set to become a better athlete. I am increasing my strength and stamina. Working to reduce my own fears, take my anxieties in hand, build a stronger mind and body. This is truly pushing me outside of my comfort zone, physically and mentally. I was completely on my own for the 10K, Coach was working Hood to Coast so was far from the start/finish line. I missed having his solid reassurance, his confidence in my abilities. He knew I could do 10K long before I did. When I told him I had signed up, he merely asked, "Do you think you can run 10K?" I told him I wasn't sure, I was running to find out. He seemed to find this an acceptable answer. After his initial praise for my completion he told me, "You are ready for Olympic distance now." It gave me a quiver of excitement/fear. He has such faith in me that I find it easier to have faith in myself.
So, on the heels of my victory over the 10K I will be doing the Portland Tri as Olympic distance. Holy shit. 1 mile swim, 25 mile cycle, 10K run.Yikes. Yes, I am scared. Yes, this is outside my comfort zone. Yes, I will do it. Yes, I will succeed. I have faith.
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