Tuesday, November 13, 2012


    Sabotaged. Stymied. Thwarted. Yes, this was my attempt to hit the pool last night. I do have to drive out of my way to get to the pool, not far, but a solid extra 15 minutes. First off, I missed my turn, had to pull a nearly-illegal turn to rectify the situation. As soon as I turned onto Toliver Road the second roadblock appeared, quite literally. There was a jackknifed tractor/trailer rig in the road, and two emergency vehicles taking up what road the semi wasn't. True, I was tempted to stop and oogle, because my love of firetrucks is no secret. Instead, I pulled an actual illegal U-turn as quickly as possible. Then I tried to find an easy way around the obstruction, only to find myself in the hellish maze of suburbia. Finally, numerous stop signs, speed bumps and cul-de-sacs later I was back on track and pulling into the pool parking lot, only 15 minutes later that what I had hoped. inside, the polite young man informs me that all the lanes are full, and most of them are already doubled-up, so there is no room for me. No. Room. For. Me. I was forcibly reminded of why I do not swim on Mondays, ever. Sadly (and more than a little annoyed) I return to my car and head for home. Now what? I do not like having my plans jacked around. And I just wasted a solid 30+ minutes on this futile endeavor. I could have been home and already working up a sweat doing something else. But what?
    I had a 15 minute drive ahead of me to decide what I would do with myself. To myself. I knew I needed to burn some energy, so weights would not be enough. I didn't want to work my legs too hard since I was still a little stiff from Saturday's trail run. But what the hell, an 8K trail run is just like a good workout, not an endurance event. So I get home, fill a pot with chicken, onions, garlic and seasonings for later and change into workout gear. I really did not want to over work my legs so I did a fast 10 minutes on the bike (on rollers), ran a quick and easy mile on the treadmill, and another 10 minutes on the bike. Enough to get my heart and respiration up, work up a sweat and get my muscles warmed for some abuse.
    I opted for mostly core/ab/glute work, a solid 45 minutes that had me making ridiculous faces, and pathetic noises. 3 sets each: Dead Lift; 5' Slosh Tube figure standing and bent-over 8s; 5' Slosh Tube situps and reclining/crunch figure 8s; Crunch and Crunch with twist, with legs straight, pointed to the ceiling; Bridge with leg lift; Side Crunch; Side Leg Lift; Pilates Leg Kick Back; Pilates Corkscrew.
    So much for being obsessive with my schedule. But like I have said before, I have to be able to roll with the punches. Yeah, I may have a little internal hissy-fit first, but then I move on. Life is to short to waste too much energy on pouting over the shit that doesn't work out, figure out how to make Life work for you, and make the best of it. YOLO.

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