It was a freakishly warm day today. No rain, warm wind from the south. The air was soft and humid like late spring, but with the musky spice of Autumn. I knew from the moment I opened the back door to let out the dogs this morning, and stood there in my manky robe inhaling mild, fragrant morning air, that I would have to get Joshua out for a ride today. I waited until about 2pm, when my late breakfast of Yamcakes was decently digested before heading out. It felt good to have my brain bucket on and feet in the peddles. I haven't ridden Joshua since the Portland Triathlon more than a month ago, and I have missed him. It was warm enough for short sleeves and rolled up tights. The air moving across my arms and calves, tickling my hairs to attention felt wonderful. The wind in my face was delicious and exhilarating.
Of course I headed straight for Wildcat Road aka Kick-my-ass-and-leave-me-in-the-ditch-to-die Road. I have only ridden Joshua here twice before, but had taken Fury on it a number of times. I vowed to work it hard today, and did not disappoint myself. Since Wildcat Road has no flats, absolutely none, it is definitely a hill workout. There is no getting around that. But today I made it a sprint workout as well. If I was not hard at a hill climb, or on such a steep down hill that I could not pedal fast enough to engage the wheels, then I was sprinting with all I could muster. I peddled as hard and fast as I was able, whenever I had the opportunity. I pushed myself hard. And it felt great! True, I did have some nausea problems. At one point, just after the turnaround, I thought I was going to have to pull over to puke. Instead I focused on my breathing, let my pace ease just a bit, which wasn't too hard, since I had some nice downhills to bomb down. I managed to get my rebellious stomach under control, and finish strong.
Now that we have set the clocks back for Winter, I know I won't be getting in any after work rides, so that makes me doubly happy that I got out today. There will not be many opportunities over the next 6 months to get out on dry roads. And to have had such amazingly glorious weather, I could not have asked for a better day to challenge Wildcat Road. It made for a great ride.
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