Monday, October 29, 2012

Slosh Tube Test Run

    The Slosh Tubes are a success. I went kind of easy on myself, adding six exercises into my regular upper body workout. With the 5' tube, 20 reps x 3 sets each: for shoulders and core I did a basic over the head swing, back and forth; braced across the shoulders for a simple figure 8 pivot; sit-ups holding the tube straight-armed and up towards the ceiling during the entire move; and a crunch-type move holding the tube against the chest, and pivoting at the waist. With the Indian Clubs, 20 reps x 3 sets: large figure 8 swing, alternating hands; crunch-type move, pivoting at the waist, swinging arms side to side, touching clubs to the ground on either side.
    Doing the movements, feeling the muscles being worked, I can already see how this addition to the regiment will have benefits not only to muscle definition and strength, but in performance. I could feel the muscles in my core and sheathing my torso moving with strength and fluidity while being happily exhausted. This in turn will add power to my swim, as well as helping power my running and cycling. Not to mention my impending Fire Academy, with ax swinging and hose hauling aplenty. I am going to the Academy as the oldest recruit by at least 25 years, and have heard stories of how exhausting it can be. I have vowed to hit it at full strength and fighting weight, making no excuses for my age, and showing the kids how it is done. True, there are days, many days, when it would be so much easier to not workout, to find something else that needs doing (I do have a To-Do list that covers half my fridge, literally), or to just be too damned tired, but excuses are all too easy, and not my nature. I would rather find an excuse to let the dishes pile up a bit, the laundry to go unfolded, these chores can always wait, and the world will not end if I wear a rumpled shirt. But my Body needs daily ministrations. To let Body fall behind, weaken, become lazy, slothful, unhappy, that is not an option. Just not an option.
    That being said, I will confess to injudicious eating the last four days. I did not go crazy, but I did allow myself to eat too much of foods that are definitely on the Eat With Extreme Caution list. A few culprits were Brie with smoked salmon, pumpkin bread, and corn chips with guacamole. Nothing too radical, but enough that by sunday I was feeling bloated and a bit guilty. Okay, not THAT guilty, the Brie especially was worth it. But that does make me all the more conscientious of what I will be putting in my face this week, as well as how I will be working out. We are heading into the holiday season and it is far too easy to overindulge on a daily basis as we are faced with glorious treats at nearly every turn. But with the Academy as a goal far more important than any race date, I am resolved to keep moving forward, working harder, and refining my regiment all the more.    

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