On a different, and very annoying, subject: EIA aka Exercise Induced Asthma. Yeah, I got it. Yeah, I totally hate it. It hits unexpectedly, and at the worst possible moments like in the middle of a Triathlon. My last Tri had far too many episodes, and this is with the benefit of an albuterol inhaler. The 5K run damn near killed me, I felt like an escapee from a TB ward, sucking on my inhaler what seemed like every few minutes. I have had major issues when running in areas with wheat, corn, and (of all things) cottonwood. Interestingly, I had no problems whatsoever on my trail run this last weekend, and it was through dense forest.
Symptoms of EIA include: Coughing, Tightening of the Chest, Wheezing, Unusual Fatigue while exercising, Shortness of Breath while exercising. Yeah, I get all of that. F'king pisses me off. You should hear me wheeze, the air whistles in my throat as I feel like I am being garroted by a particularly sadistic, slow, homicidal maniac.
I am still learning how to manage this. It does not happen every time. Well, actually, it has happened in each of my Tri 5Ks. When it hits, all I can do is slow to a walk, suck on my inhaler (if I have it with me) like a junkie huffer. I know high pollen days add to the problem. As does dry heat. Just one more challenge to add to the list. You know, I wouldn't mind the breathing issues so much, it is the "Unusual Fatigue while exercising," bit that pisses me off most. Nothing like having to fight your own body to get through a race. I know that was what really kicked my ass in the Portland Tri, I had breathing issues from the moment I started. Happily, the Stair Climb was no problem as far as breathing went. But I imagine that could be because I was on canned air for the solid first half. Maybe I just need to wear a SCBA when I run. I will manage this, as I manage all other weirdness my body throws at me. Next season, I will be out to kick some serious ass, and NOT my own.
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