I have been really feeling the need to get my run mojo back. It is difficult to force the issue when I have such chronic pain in my feet, knees, and ankles. Too many years of sprained ankles and dislocating knees has left me in a sorry state. Arthritis has invaded with a passion these last few years. Yeah, it really pisses me off. Mostly, I have no one and nothing to blame but myself, and a lifelong disregard for my delicate connective tissue. Seriously, what high school kid is going to be too concerned about repeated sprained ankles during basketball season. And the knees. I blew them skiing, then added insult to injury by fighting, with the twisting and pivoting, and playing on broken ground. But all that is neither here nor there. It is done, past, and nothing I can do to change any of it. Though if I could go back in time and give my young self one piece of advice it would be, "Take care of your joints."
Where all this has led me, at this moment, is the consideration of the Hoka One One running shoes. They are the super cushioned shoes that remind me of a combination clown shoe and marshmallow. They are so puffy they look like they were created for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. I have been devoted to my minimalist shoes for the last 5 years, loving the connection with the ground. Especially for trail running. But on the pavement I have needed more cushion. I loved my Saucony Virratas, but they were discontinued several years back and are a rare find. The Hoka has twice the cushion of the Virrata, and comes in a near zero drop. I have come to the point that I know if I am going to run on pavement I need all the padding I can get. The chronic pain in my feet and ankles, especially the left one, keeps me awake at night. This makes me a tad grumpy. Maybe, just maybe, if I can swaddle my feet in the marshmallowy goodness of the super cushioned Hoak I can start running again without additional damage being inflicted on my already angry joints.
Yes, I am clutching at straws. But if I am to continue to compete in triathlon I have to be able to run. It is imperative. I don't want to be relegated to the occasional Sprint or Olympic distance. I want to keep training for long course. I still am holding onto the hope that I will get to another Iron distance event. But to do that I have to be able to run. I do enjoy running, and entering running events. It has made me sad to be sidelined. Maybe the Hoka shoes will let me train fully again. Maybe. Hopefully. Fingers crossed. Yes, clutching at strawa. I will keep you posted.
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