For the last two weeks there has been a weird, as yet to be identified chemical unbalance at the pool. It is effecting the air quality to the point that if I swim more than about 40 laps my throat starts to burn, then my sinuses, and I end up with a hacking cough that lasts anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. To say this is putting a damper on my swim sessions is like saying Oregon winters are a wee bit moist. The first night I noticed it I bulled through my swim, hitting 2 miles before I got hit with a sneezing fit, which led to coughing that ended up in me retching. Then, I coughed so hard into the night that it was about 3:30 am before I fell into a fitful sleep. I coughed for 48 hours. I didn't dare swim again for 5 days. I kept that swim short, about 50 laps, before the dreaded burning in my throat made me leave. I coughed for 24 hours after that one. I've found that by limiting my swim to about 40 laps I am managing to keep the coughing at bay.
I have worked diligently to get my mileage up these last few months. On my agenda for last week was a 4 mile swim. Needless to say, it did not happen. I have been frustrated, and a little bitter, venting to the guys at the front counter at the club. I know it's not their fault, but I've been trying to make sure that they are trying to amend the situation.
It has been a disruption to my overall training schedule. But I have come up with an alternative training schedule for the duration of this whatever-the-hell-it-is toxic fog. Instead of 3 long swims a week, I am switching to 5 shorter swims. Typically, on a swim night after 90+ minutes of strong swimming I will come home and put in another 45-60 minutes of core and/or upper body strength training. Now, instead, I am doing about a 50 minute swim, followed by 20+ minutes of underwater leg work. Then, once I am home I will alternate either upper body, or cycling and leg work. Basically, my strength training remains almost the same, as does my cycling, I'm just spreading my pool miles over more days.
It is like training for a sprint tri. Shorter, frequent, intense workouts. Several Brick workouts a week, i.e. swim followed by bike and leg or core work. I have increased my arm, shoulder, and chest strength training to try and make up for less endurance work in the pool (I am totally rocking the muscled swimmer's shoulders look, by the way).
I have been spending such long hours in the pool, that it might be a good thing to switch it up. It will give my brain and body change of pace, and help keep things interesting. I am looking forward to hitting the pool 5 days a week for a few more weeks. I do love the water. And instead of crying over missed swim sessions I am trying to make these lemons into lemonade.
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