It is no secret that I am a creature of habit. On the plus side, this is the driving force behind my often envied ability to workout daily, and train as hard as I do (though I know I need to be training harder). It really is not so much motivation as it is sheer habit. I have been working out almost daily for most of my adult life, and especially the last 15 years. Another plus are my eating habits. I am inclined to find small, specific set of foods and eat them almost exclusively. This saves a lot of time and energy when grocery shopping, or deciding what to eat. Yes, it borders on the obsessive. The downside is that it is very difficult for me to shift gears, especially where my workouts are concerned. My new work schedule has thrown me for a loop on so many levels, and I am having a tough time readjusting all my habitual behaviors back into their tidy little lines.
One simple, yet important shift I am having to implement is the banal aspect of when to eat, and how much. For the last several years I have eaten a late, large lunch at about 2:30 or 3:00, which has given me about 2-1/2 hours to digest before swimming. Lately, I am in the pool at about 4:30, which has meant swimming on a fairly full stomach. No, I am not concerned about stomach cramps making me drown, that is an old wives' tale. But do any strenuous activity, especially one that really fires up the core muscles, on a fairly full stomach and one thing that is certain, you will likely feel like puking at some point. No, I haven't puked in the pool, but g'damn it has been a close call a few times. I have finally managed to readjust how I am eating, even if it means eating a full meal, standing at my shipping area, while ass deep in work so I can have a few hours to digest before swimming. This may seem like no big deal to a lot of people, but for a creature of habit, like myself, this is a major undertaking. I don't mean to seem inflexible, but my habitual nature has saved my sanity on a multitude of occasions.
I am also having to shift my workout schedule. I'm having a tough time putting in the daily hours I need. Just a few weeks ago I was managing a solid 60 to 75 minutes cycling several mornings before work, so I was regularly able to do a two a day workout plan. Now that is reserved for weekends. So, once again, mental shift.
I am beginning to get a grip on it all. I did have a spectacular swim Thursday night; 2 miles in 70 minutes. Then came home for 75 minutes of cycling, doing two power pyramid sets. Last night, I admit, by the time I got home and mowed the lawn, and had a quick snack it was already 8:30 before I got to my workout so I kept it to an hour of grinding at lower rep, higher gear. This morning was a solid 2 hour cycling session, maintaining decent cadence in higher gearing. Tonight I slipped in an upper body and core workout. Hopefully tomorrow starts with a cycle to run to cycle set before I start the day's festivities of painting my shed.
The changes at work are driving home my need to get a calender and plan out my training schedule. Time is passing all too quickly, I have goals and deadlines looming and I need to be able to get back on track, realign my habits, I am a creature of habit, after all.
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