I realize that I love my body. I love my long legs. I love my strong shoulders. I love my lithe arms. Everything seems to fit together so well, and function far better than I deserve after a lifetime of beating holy hell out of myself. Truly I have abused my body with a lifetime of rigorous activity, from the time I was young and rode in rodeos and hit the dirt hard more times than I can count, played basketball on badly sprained ankles held together with massive amounts of tape, damaged knees skiing then skied on damaged knees, skateboarded the streets of Portland with bone bruised elbows and wrists, 15 years of armored combat that literally beat my body as well as tore apart joints not quite meant for such activities. Rodeo, basketball, volleyball, skiing, power lifting, full contact fighting, firefighting. Honestly, when I think about it, my body is in far better condition than I deserve. I am trying to treat my body better these days, at least train it better, so I can avoid further damage as I continue to put my body through the wringer.
I have increased my strength training these last weeks, especially my legs, and am noticing a difference already. I have a solid base of fitness now that I can maintain with relative ease (key word: Relative). The key is to never rest on your laurels, always strive for more. Since it is my off-season now, I am not pushing for more endurance at this point, instead I am focusing on strength and speed.
Strength + Speed = Power
I am working on my power. And it shows in every day movements from squatting down to pick up my grandson, or lifting a heavy package. I am unduly impressed with the grace in which my legs move, and the ease in which they power me up and forward. I have been doing a lower body strength workout that is specific for runners and cyclers: Step ups onto a 24" box, hip dips, single leg calf raises, single legged squats, single legged deadlift, split squats, kettlebell swing, leg lifts, clamshell, plank with leg lift. I am hoping this will let me run my next long race without worrying about leg cramps, but more importantly, I want to run and cycle with power. In other words, Strength and Speed.
I am also doing a swim specific strength workout for upper body: Single arm press with twist, fly, french curl, press, dip, push up, bent over fly, bent over row, tricep press. I need a long reach, good grab, and strong pull if I want to swim longer, harder, and faster.
What does all this mean? Besides more workouts? It means I want to get to the start of next season with more endurance, but also with more ability to complete and compete. It means I want Strength + Speed so I can have Power. It means I want to be better, be the best I can be.
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