Friday, September 6, 2013

Down To The Wire

    It is truly down to the wire. Tomorrow is The Big One. Tomorrow. Less than 24 hours. In between random attacks of spastic excitement, I have remained remarkably calm and focused. I have not had the negative self-talk that I thought was inevitable, and I am a bit surprised by this. Maybe I shouldn't be. I have trained to the best of my ability, given my ridiculously full schedule. I have honed my nutrition to a science. I have worked diligently on my mental game and mindset. I am mindful of my body in ways I could never have imagined. I have become a true student of my passion. Yes, I am excited for tomorrow, and wake each morning with the thrilling realization that I am one day closer to my self imposed challenge. I am not deluding myself that tomorrow will be easy, I know it will be exhausting and painful. But I also know that I can do it. I look at each leg of the race as an individual event, in and of itself. I am excited for the swim, knowing how I feel in the water, the freedom and relaxation of being surrounded by the calming waters. Rising, dripping, from the lake I will head to T2, where Joshua waits patiently. I have ridden the 58 mile course, and know it is a beautiful ride that I can do well. The cycling leg behind me, I can reset to the last event, a half-marathon. I can run this, slow and steady, at my penguin pace, I know I can run this. So each leg I am viewing as a separate entity. Breaking down a brutally long event into three manageable bites, resetting my mind and body at the end of each leg. Yes, it will be tough. Yes, it will be painful. Yes, I am so freaking excited to be so close to what I have trained so hard for. A year of planning and training, coming to fruition tomorrow.

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