Saturday, July 6, 2013

10 Miles. But Who's Counting?

   Today was my first run with a running group, and I had a great time. I even brought cookies. Okay, I kind of ended up getting separated from the group, but knowing they were out there gave me the motivation I need to keep my pace strong, and my stride long. We started up Germantown Road, near the St. John's Bridge, on what amounted to a fire road winding up into the hills. I fell behind due to a last minute stop at the only porta-john on the route. I wasn't worried, I ran on. And on, and on. My legs and lungs felt fabulous! After nearly an hour I met two of the runners heading back down the path. They informed me that we had missed the turnoff, so they decided to do an out-and-back. I knew I wanted to keep going. "If you run to mile marker 7, that is the halfway turnaround for 8 miles." "Great, I wanted to do 8 miles anyway." I ran on. And on, and on. I finally reached mile marker 6-1/2, and figured that mile 7 was just up the hill a piece. No, mile marker 6 was just up the hill a piece. I had ran right past numero 7. I grinned to myself, 10 miles, so be it. I stretched for a minute, turned around and headed back. I was a little worried that this was not going to give the group a great first impression, being late back to the parking area. But, what the hell? I was there to run. Yes, my knees started to be a bit unhappy with me about 8 miles into the run, but I was still moving great. About mile 9, I was a little tired. At 9-1/2 miles, who should I see but my two buddies that had sent me off to mile marker 7, come to look for me. I told them what had happened, we all laughed, they were impressed with my mileage. But then, g'damn if I didn't have to really kick up the pace to keep up with these well rested, long legged guys! Oh my gods! Of course, I made it seem all easy-peasy, but holy-jumping-bald-palomino, I was feeling a tad gassed. But I didn't let it show. And actually loved that I could match them stride for stride after running 9-1/2 miles, without stopping. Back to the parking lot, all the others had headed off to a nearby diner, so, no cookies for them (more for me). I opted to head to a friend's for a shower and a smoothie. An hour later, showered, lounging with a frosty, berry smoothie and a handful of GF oatmeal cookies, I felt fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. I have put to rest my fear of the half-marathon leg of my race, I am feeling confident that my legs and lungs will carry me across the finish line.

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