Sunday, May 26, 2013

What A Difference 18 Months Makes

    I realized today that 18 months ago I weighed in at about 240 lbs. Ohdeargods how did I let myself get there? I admit, I was horrified. But I decided I could and would do something about it. I did not allow myself to have any excuses. Yes, a minor nervous breakdown and the stomach issues that came along with it did help jumpstart the weight loss, but that was just the beginning. Here I am, 18 months later, at about 160. Holymotherofgods that is 80 pounds. A full third of my body mass. Most of the loss came in the first 6 months, but I have continued to slowly lose a bit more as time, and workouts have gone by. I owe it to clean eating and working out. There is no secret. I eat as much as I want of whole foods, mostly raw, and nearly vegan. And I work out, a lot. I am determined to be as fit as I can, no excuses, no blaming my aches and pains, or dodgy digestive tract. I have reached what I thought was an impossible goal through diligence and hard work. There is no secret, no special or fad diet, I am not Paleo, Raw, Vegan, Mediterranean, South Beach, Atkins, or Juicing. It is nothing so complicated. As I have slowly made changes to how I eat and live, more changes have just seemed the logical progression. I eat carbs aplenty, but they are whole grain, wheat free, home made carbs. I have become a rabid fan of green smoothies, raw nuts and seeds, raw honey, agave syrup, spinach in everything, brown rice, and quinoa. Today, with the amazing realization of just how far I have come, I am looking ahead to how far I can go. Half-Ironman. How about an Ironman? A Marathon? An Ultra-Marathon Trail Run? I don't know. But it is always good to set goals just out of reach, and know that dreams can be made to happen, if we believe in ourselves.

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