Monday, January 28, 2013

Training Schedule

    I am finding an inordinate amount of my Brain space is being occupied by Training Schedule strategies. It is far more complex than on might wish. But I have vowed to myself that I will not take a haphazard or lackadaisical approach to preparing myself physically and mentally for an ass-kicking race. I want to kick ass, not have my ass kicked. There have been times in my past when I trained very hard for my sport only to fall flat when the main event came around (not racing, a previous sport). It was devastating on a very deep, psychological level. From what I know now about training, peaking, tapering, and nutrition I can see where I have made mistakes in the past. Last season I think my main failure, besides not quite enough training, was managing my race day nutrition, and that will be an ongoing experiment.
    I know that scheduling is not a precision, do or die endeavor. There is a lot of wiggle room to tweak as I go. With my A Race, and B Races on the calender I can begin moving in reverse to look at maximizing my Peak and Taper, and my over all training schedule. I am scheduling in several long runs during the racing season, trail half marathons, to give me running goals, targets, and situations in which I know I will push myself harder than in training. It is always easier to push myself when I am surrounded by lithe, lean, gazelle-like runners. These races will encourage me to add endurance, strength, and stamina to my running, which is undeniably my weakest discipline. Yes, open water swimming has been my nemesis, but that is mind over matter. I know I can swim 2 miles, but running half a marathon? Yikes. Having my A race in early September also gives me ample opportunity to practice open water swimming, so that the day of the race I will have no more difficulty than lap swimming at the pool.
    Brain is so full of all the information that it is currently jumbled and chaotic. I know it will all sort out in time. I am beginning to put it all down on paper. There is no real rush, I have a solid 7 months now to prepare Body, Mind, and Spirit. A few days early on to make a serious plan of attack will pay off tenfold on the day that I toe that start line, shivering in the cold morning, waiting the horn to signal the start of the swim. I am excited already.

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