Friday, September 14, 2012

Bike Run Bike

    I am feeling the approaching end of my race season, and it makes me a little blue. I have a 5K in the morning, and I plan on cycling to it, since it is only about 7 miles away. Next weekend will likely be a bit brutal, I am doing the Portland Sprint Tri in the morning, and then at noon I will be participating in The Portland Firefighter's Stair Climb. Yeah, Stair Climb. Forty flights in my full Turnout gear, with a 35lb SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus) pack on my back. Forty stories of the Bancorp building in downtown Portland. I am excited, I think it will be a great adventure. There are over 400 firefighters already registered, I am climbing with Battalion 10. What's the worst that could happen? Probably that I puke and can't finish. But I don't plan on that being the end result. I can do this, I know I can. And it will put a nice notch in my "Cool Shit I Have Done" list.
    But for now, I need to be focused on tomorrow's race. True, it is only a 5K, but just a few months ago I did not think I would be running any races. My hope for tomorrow is to run at a better pace than I have to date. I think the cycle in will help me be warmed and ready to run. I'm also looking at it as a good brick workout of cycle/run/cycle. A mini, reverse duathlon. But the main goal is a decent time. To find my 5K pace. To run a solid race.
    I have been taking my pre-race nutrition as serious as I would before a triathlon. I have been careful all week to consume quality protein and carbs, no crap, no processed foods. I am eating clean, careful, healthy, and it feels great. My energy tomorrow should be optimal.
    I am excited for my run tomorrow, and for future runs. I love being able to find events, register, show up, participate, and leave with a sense of accomplishment. Running is becoming a solid aspect of my life. Yes, I do it because it is one of the three disciplines of Triathlon, I love cross training, variety, the strength it gives me, the way it has altered my physique. Swim, Cycle, Run. A triad, perfect for me. Tomorrow, I Run.

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