It seems that the last 9 months have connived to keep me from finding my normal training regime. The weird chaos that has descended on my life has been more than enough to keep me from finding my rhythm. True, I don't have anything specific that I am training for this year, especially nothing I would class as an A Race. Yes, I have goals; a Metric Century on the Fixie, at least a Century on the road bike (would rather try a Double Century though), I'd like to get in an Olympic Tri, and would Love to do the Bests in The West Half-Iron in September. But I just can't get myself on track. The last few years have been hampered by injuries, but this year I feel good. My strength training is steady, my cycling has been consistent and always improving. But my work schedule, with long days, has made hitting the pool nigh on impossible. And as for running... well, let's just say it's not my strong suit.
All that being said, I am starting a new job in a few weeks; Assistant Park Ranger at a park that sits at the base of the Molalla Corridor, with its miles and miles of trails. I'm excited at the prospect and possibility of post work trail runs, and the chance for some exploratory hiking. It has me jonesing for new trail running shoes. Hey, I need a new pair. Seriously. My Saucony Outlaws are getting broken down from too much mundane wear (I love them), and are better hiking shoes than running shoes. The prospect of new running shoes always gets me excited, even when I'm broke and shouldn't be even thinking about new shoes. What can I say? I am a bit of a training shoe whore.
If I can get back on a consistent run schedule, I can be ready for the Half-Iron. My bike is strong and my training has been steady. My swim endurance is down But I know I can step into the water and swim a mile without any issues. But the run has always been my weak point. I have to train smart. I can't chalk up high miles, my poor broken down knees won't allow it. But I think with some regular trail runs, my current strength training (I am always on top of my strength training), combined with my current bike training, I can get my run endurance to the point that I can gut out the run.
If this sounds like a self-peptalk, it is. I have been beating myself up lately on my inability to get truly motivated with my training. Yes, I workout religiously, but I want to work out zealously. And that requires an extra push. It requires a goal. A reason. It requires an A Race. I need that back in my life. I've missed it the last few years. So, here's to a new job, new shoes, new trails, and new training. Wish me luck.